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Is Religion Dangerous?


This unit explores issues of peace and conflict with reference to Christianity, Sikhism and Islam, and some non-religious views of life may also be studied, if appropriate. The philosophical and moral issues of pacifism, self-defence and justice are explored. All human beings experience peace and conflict, and ask and answer Questions about the role of religion. What we believe about God and humanity has an impact on our attitudes to war and peace.


The unit poses many questions about the nature of religion and links between religion and war and religion and peace. From the Experience of injustice, feelings of revenge or hate arise. How are these to be dealt with or understood? Why is there conflict and war? What do people believe about human nature and the prevalence of conflict? Christianity, Sikhism, Islam and non-religious belief systems offer resources for exploring questions about conflict, war and peace. These include sacred texts and stories, practice in the faith community and historical examples, including Sikh teaching about God, equality and service to others (sewa) which sets ideals for Sikh living; the teaching and example of Jesus about loving your enemies, forgiveness and living at peace which inspires the  Christian community. In Islam, the religion means „peace‟ and the Prophet established peace where war had been common in the first Islamic communities. Among Humanists, a long opposition to nuclear war and commitment to other peace causes has been common.

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