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What is the nature of the Hindu God?

This term you will be  learning about about Hinduism. You will focus on the Hindu God's, the role of the caste system and reincarnation.


Whilst studying this unit, students will gain knowledge of the Hindu faith of divinity and philosophy for living. Students will be able to identify different the Gods and Goddesses explaining how they impact on the life of a Hindu. Students will decode important symbols, respond to and ask questions about the role of God in Hindu society and the belief of reincarnation, study the caste system, evaluate the role of myth for believers


Students will be expected to; describe their own notion of divinity, think about the role of the trimurti in their own life, reflect on their own feelings about an afterlife, consider the role of heroes in their lives, find morals of responsibility and duty in a religious story and think about people they respect in their life and experience how it feels to be divided and judged.

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