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How is religion and belief portrayed in the Media?

This term you will be learning all about BIG questions of faith and truth and how they are portrayed in the media. You will be looking at a range of media sources to determine if the reporting of religion in the media s fair and accurate. We will look at world affairs which contributed to negative media surrounding religion but also look at the positive work of different religion and how the media has helped to bring this to the attention of the world. 










Homework Task:

This term you will complete a project alongside your work in class.


You have a choice of tasks.
EITHER Task A – To visit and research a place of worship, and produce a written report.

OR Task B– To design and make a model of a place of worship that you have visited or researched. (Make sure you include an information sheet or labelling system so we know what it is!)
CHALLENGE: Make your place of worship a made up interfaith place of worship!


What should I do to get started?

Task a)

  • First decide which place of worship you would like to study, a Mosque? A Church? If you are not sure what there is to choose from ask your parents, teachers or friends or type ‘Local Places of Worship in Bristol’ into google.

  • You will need to either visit the place of worship or research it on the internet.

  • Plan what you are going to look for and what you might ask people if you choose to speak to someone (for example: uses, history of the building). You can look at the outside of the building and the notices however, it would be even better if you ask to look around inside.

  • Talk to people inside and pick up any information provided by them. 

  • Write about your experience and what you found out.

  • Draw a diagram of the building including important artefacts whilst you are there or when you are researching it on the internet.

  • Once you have gathered all the information you need to write up a report of the Place of Worship.

  • Your report can include: an introduction to the religion, a description of the building, a diagram of inside the building, an interview of a member of the congregation, photographs, an explanation of the meaning of worship performed inside the building.


Task b)

  • First decide if your model will be of an existing place of worship or a made up interfaith place of worship.

  • If you choose to make a model of a place of worship that already exists you must research it by visiting it or looking it up on the internet. If you choose to design a new place of worship with more than one faith you must use the websites above to find out what you need to provide for the different believers inside the building.

  •  Next plan how you will make it – and get sticking, sawing or moulding!


This is a suggested time frame for Task B.

Week 1) Talk to my friends and ask one who has a religion if I can go to their place of worship with them next week. Check with my parents and arrange a time to meet up. Prepare some questions to ask my friend and their family to find out even more about the place of worship. Prepare a camera, paper and pen for the visit. (2 hours)

Week 2) Go to the place of worship (mosque). Ask the names of the objects inside the building. Find out why the building is so important to the people that go there. Write down the answers to my questions. Take some photographs. Notice the outside shape of the building. (2 hours)

Week 3) Find somewhere quiet for 1 hour and sit and read through all the information I have gathered. Draw a sketch of my model and decide that I am going to make the model from polystyrene and bottles. (2 hour)

Week 4) Collect all the materials I need to make the model and build the model. (3 hours)

Week 5) Create an information sheet to explain what my model shows and the research I completed (1 hour)

Week 6) Complete the self-evaluation form. Hand to my teacher by the deadline


  • Read this over again very carefully OR ask someone else (a parent/ brother/ sister/ grandparent/ friend) to read it and explain it to you.

  • Talk to other people in the Year group to see what they are doing.


  • Go to homework club in the library and ask for help. The library opens at 8am and is open until 4 after school.

  • Ask your RE teacher for help.

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